Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

Parents and Educators Self Assessments

Exploring Self Assessments and Media Plans 

Welcome to our Screen Time Analysis section. Here, parents and caregivers can explore a variety of quizzes and self-assessments designed to help you understand your children's screen habits. These tools will guide you in identifying whether excessive screen time might be an issue, and they provide a starting point for developing effective strategies to manage digital consumption. By engaging with our resources, you'll gain insights into creating a balanced approach to screen use, ensuring a healthier digital environment for your family. Start today to help your children thrive in a digital age.

Family Media Plan

This Family Media Plan can be customised to meet your family's needs. Make a full plan, or just choose a few parts that matter the most to your family.

The Family Media Plan includes:

-A list of media priorities to choose from

-Practical tips to help make the plan work

Why it's important

-The ability to print or share your finished plan

-The ​option to save your plan and return as often as you'd like to make changes

Psycom: Screen Addiction Quiz

Who Is This Screen Addiction Quiz For?
If you are concerned about how much time your kids spend on their smart devices? Could they even be addicted to the internet?

In this quiz is a list of questions that reflect common experiences among children who are addicted to screens. Read each question carefully, and then choose how often your child has experienced the same or similar challenges in the past few months.

Psycom believes assessments can be a valuable first step toward getting treatment. All too often people stop short of seeking help out of fear their concerns aren't legitimate or severe enough to warrant professional intervention

Metal Up Screen Addiction Quiz

Are you addicted to technology? Or maybe you doubt that your kids can have a screen addiction. Then it is time to solve this mystery. Do our free test and have exact results immediately!

Before we start, let us remind you:

  • MentalUP Screen Addiction Test isn’t just a quick quiz. It is a comprehensive assessment. You can complete the test in approximately 10 minutes.
  • When doing the screen addiction test, you should answer the questions honestly to obtain a correct result. Choose one of the answers describing you best, finish the test and discover whether you are addicted to technology or not.
  • This internet addiction quiz aims to help you understand your status about technology addiction according to your answer. It is not a definitive judgment.
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