Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

In early February 2023, the picturesque town of Leitrim played host to an essential gathering for the Surviving Digital project - the third Transnational Project Meeting (TPM3). This event brought together all project partners to focus on the advancement of the PR2 Methodological Guide, a cornerstone resource aimed at combating the adverse effects of digital screen addiction. Additionally, the meeting served as a starting point for discussions on the work plan for the forthcoming PR3 Open Educational Resources (OERs), setting the stage for the next phase of the project.

The gathering in Leitrim was more than just a series of discussions and planning sessions; it was a celebration of collaboration and shared vision. Momentum, the hosts and one of the project's pivotal partners, marked their 20th anniversary by organizing a networking event that extended beyond the confines of the meeting room. This event was not only a celebration of Momentum's two decades of contribution to education and training but also an opportunity for the Surviving Digital partners to showcase their groundbreaking project to a wider audience.

The networking event saw the attendance of over 100 stakeholders from across Ireland and Europe, representing a broad spectrum of educators, policymakers, community leaders, and digital health advocates. The Surviving Digital partners seized this opportunity to present their project, highlighting their efforts to create a safer digital environment for children and adolescents through innovative educational resources and methodologies.

This interaction with a diverse group of stakeholders was invaluable, providing the Surviving Digital partners with unique insights, feedback, and potential collaborations. Networking with relevant educators and experts in the field allowed for an exchange of ideas and best practices, further enriching the project's approach to tackling digital addiction and fostering digital wellbeing among young people.

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