Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

Needs and Aims of the Study

In recent years, scientific studies have shown the harmful effects of overexposure to screens of small children. Currently, no practice has been developed which effectively helps adult educators combatting this trend.

Thus, this study conducted from the project partners aimed to:

  • Identify some of the potential obstacles adults might face when trying to minimize screen usage in child rearing.
  • Identify practices that can assist the development of new learning materials, which can be appropriated by healthcare professionals who wish to set up their own processes of capacitation against the overexposure to screens.
  • Support the acquisition of skills by people with fewer opportunities, based on their knowledge, so that they can become "ambassadors" and accompany the reflection and training of their peers.

Methodology applied

Aiming to achieve all the above, the project partners coming from France, Spain, Ireland, Greece and Denmark and Italy conducted a study based on 30 case studies constructed from technical elements and practical, lived experiences and 10 interviews with professionals focusing on:

  • challenges of adult learning in the fight against screen addictions in general
  • levels of competence expected in public or private, small or medium social organizations working in the field of education and health
  • conditions for successful contribution and positive outcomes: social, environmental, cultural, professional, and economic outcomes
  • definition of the results of the contributory approaches with local communities and the impact of these initiatives in terms of public policy

We have produced two guides, the long version includes; Needs and Aims of Project Result, Methodology, Project Phases Implementation, Presentation of the Findings, Implementation area / Templates. The short version provides a short summary of the long version. Please feel free to browse which ever guide suits your needs best.

Long Version

Short Version

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