Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

What is this Guide for?

In recent years, screens have flooded our lives. Many of us will on a regular basis have the sensation of being connected for longer than what is good for us. Very young children, however, are considered especially vulnerable, as screens risk disrupting crucial early development stages. Many Health Organisations and European governments are beginning to recognize the potential harmful effects of early overexposure. As such, you can today find amble advice on how you ought to use your computer, smartphone, or tablet around your children.

Rest assured. This is not just another guide telling you to keep your children away from your devices. Instead, we offer you a guide that will help you understand the mechanisms behind modern digital technologies, and why sparring small children from them is easier said than done. It will give you insights into the development of infants and how exactly screens disrupt the relations they depend on to learn and grow, so you can take the necessary steps to restore them!

Who is the Guide for?

a parent struggling to replace screens with other activities
a child doctor or psychologist worried about a growing number of children showing delays in language, cognition, and motor skills
a public institution or enterprise that wishes to support local economies by investing in the capacities of inhabitants
a health care professional unsure of how to address parents with children affected by overexposure
an elected official interested in experimenting new innovative health
care initiatives in their territory
a researcher who is interested in collective research and who wants to channel their knowledge into care practices
an animator looking for new tools to foster collective intelligence
or just about anyone else concerned with the effects technology has on our development and mental well-being

What topics does the Guide include?

An Introduction to the Guide
What’s the Problem? (Overexpsoure to screens)
What is Contributory Research?
How to Launch a Process of Contributory Research?
One Example of a Capacitation Process: Reason our screens

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